Friday, December 18, 2009
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Dreadlocks are fabulous looking, but proper dreadlock maintenance requires special grooming to keep the hair looking great.
Once you've got your new hair style, taking good care of dreadlocks often becomes a top priority. Whether you decide to take care of your style on your own or with the help of a professional stylist, dreadlock hair care is as hard or as simple as you want it to be.
Many people have these mythical thoughts that having dreadlocks means less hair maintenance. It doesn't though; having dreadlocks just means having a different hair maintenance routine.
It's true that dreadlock maintenance is a low-key affair...when it comes to styling at least. There are a few more components to consider in a good hair care plan for your dreads, though.
These basic hair care steps won't make your maintenance routine for your dreads any harder; just different. And the difference will definitely show in your locks as they grow healthier, shinier and bouncier than ever before.
There are several different locking processes. But it really doesn't matter how you start your locks , proper maintenance of your dreadlocks is key.
When you begin the locking process, experts agree that locks should not get wet for the first 4-6 weeks that locks are started. The reason for this is that it is believed that the first 4-6 weeks of a new lock is the most critical stage. It is at this time that the hair needs to mesh together naturally. Any obstruction of the natural beginnings of the hair meshing together, can disrupt the locking of the hair.
But many others who have started locks disagree with this theory and wash their locks before 6 weeks and still have lovely locks. It's really about personal preference.
However, during this time (4-6 weeks) the scalp may become itchy. To cleanse an itchy scalp while growing your dreadlocks, some good products that do not clog the pores or cause build-up are Anti-Itch Scalp Oil and Organic Root Stimulator Herbal Cleanse.
Add a dab of either on a cotton swab and apply sparingly to the scalp.
It's best to have a professional maintain your locks in the beginning once they start to fully lock. Your stylist will be able to show you how to keep your dreadlocks looking neat and well groomed.
eum jelly, petroleum or products with these ingredients. These man-made products cause buildup and cause lint and residue to attach to locks.
Don't use waxes either - although many may argue otherwise. Overtime, wax can cause buildup in the center of the lock and produce a gooey residue as time goes on. Many dreadlock wearers who chose the use of wax to begin their locks have regretted their decision.
However, if you are looking for another option to wax, some good products to use are oils that are close to the hairs naturally oily state like patchouli oil or other essential oils like tea tree oil, rosemary oil or jojoba oil. Actually, tea tree oil is a great choice as it removes the itchy feeling that may occur on the scalp.
Stay clear of shea butter or beeswax as they can lead to buildup and leave behind a sticky film on the hair over time.
Keep lint at bay by tying your head at night with a loose fitting hair wrap made of satin or silk. Polyester is also a good option because it allows the hair to also breathe when covered. Don't want to cover your hair? A satin or silk pillowcase is also a good choice.
To wash locks after they have matured, some experts recommend washing dreadlocks every 2-3 weeks, but this really depends on your lifestyle and tolerance level.
If you work out or have the need for water on your locks, washing your hair more often or whenever you feel the need is also an option.
Just be gentle on your hair. As you wash your scalp, massage gently with the tips of your fingers and try to retwist to avoid locks from meshing together.
To moisturize dreadlocks daily adding more luster without the buildup, consider a natural castor or mink oil.
These can also be great for retwisting roots along with other essential oils
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
hair care

Dreadlocks are fabulous looking, but proper dreadlock maintenance requires special grooming to keep the hair looking great.
Anyone trying to grow, twist and train dreadlocks will have different results from anyone else, because no two people have the same hair. And if you let your hair go, you’ll get dreads – but they’ll be the result of no dreadlock maintenance. This is referred to free-form dreadlocks.
However, it's easiest to grow dreadlocks with curly/coarse hair because it's easier for the hair to cling together to matte.
The danger of bad dread maintenance is stressing the hair leading to breakage. This can be prevented with proper care.
More successful dreadlock wearers wash their hair every two weeks. If you’ve only had dreadlocks for less than a year, be more careful when washing. If you’ve had dreadlocks for decades, chances are you can wash them as much as you want. Do what is right for your particular dreadlock maintenance.
Creating dreadlocks with good dreadlock maintenance usually takes one to two years at which time your dreadlocks will go through different stages.
During this time, it’s important to make sure that your hair care products are all natural for good dreadlock maintenance.
Stay away from chemicals if you can that may stress your hair and damage your dreadlocks. Unless you happen to be unusually active, washing your hair once a week is good dreadlock maintenance.
Also avoid wax on the hair as this can lead to buildup in the long run. Many dreadlock wearers have regretted adding wax to their dreads in the beginning.
When you wash your hair you can either air dry it or towel dry your hair. In fact, if you want to be super great at your dreadlock maintenance, purchase a couple of lint-free towels so you won’t find pieces of your towel in your dreads.
· If you do find your hair has accumulated some dust and lint over time, apple-cider vinegar and water rinse is an excellent cleanser as it removes build-up naturally.
· Don't forget - never twist your dreads continuously throughout the day. The hand in hair syndrome can be addictive, but try to avoid it. It's best to re-twist dreads when the hair is damp - especially after a wash.
· Massaging your scalp is also considered a common dreadlock maintenance step. The massage apparently releases natural oils from your scalp into your hair, preventing dryness and possible breakage.
· Avoid fabrics that may pull on your hair! Sleeping on cotton or flannel may cause your hair to pull against the material while you sleep.
· Satin or silk sheets are less likely to stick to your hair and cause pulling that may harm your hair. If you do prefer cotton sheets, try using a silk scarf around your dreadlocks when you sleep for excellent dreadlock maintenance.
· To add some extra life into your dreadlocks, consider wearing hair accessories that will add some spunk to your stylish dreads. You'll definitely be turning heads.
Your hair will grow, and your roots will need to be twisted. When there is enough growth to twist them, make sure that you twist each dreadlock in the same direction for dreadlock maintenancethat gives your dreads the best look.
A visit to a professional dreadlock stylist is a great idea to make sure your deadlock maintenance is on track.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Dreadlocks FAQ
What are dreadlocks?

Dreadlocks are matted hair.
How long does my hair have to be to make dreadlocks?
Your hair should be at least 10 cm long to start dreadlocks.
Will my hair grow when I have dreadlocks?
Your hair will grow when you have dreadlocks, " it will seem like your hair is growing slower, but it isn't. The reason it seems like your hair is growing slower is because the hair is growing zig zag and dreadlocking.

How long until the dreadlocks look like dreadlocks?
The dreads will look like dreadlocks after you make them if you use the backcombing, twist and rip, twist and pin, twisting, or brush rubbing method. It will take about 3-6 months for the dreads to lock up completely with these methods. The dreads will look like dreads in about a year with the dread braiding and neglect method, and they will lock up at about the same time.
You do not have to shave your head when you don;t want dreadlocks anymore you don't even have to cut your hair. Here are the ways to take dreadlocks out:
1. You can cut or shave your head if you don't care about your hair, this is the
fastest way to remove the dreadlocks.
2. Cut the deadlocks until they are about 3 inches long and then soak the rest of
the dreadlocks in conditioner and comb them out. This will leave you
with about 4 or 5 inches of hair.
3. You love your hair and want to keep it. Just soak the dreadlocks in
conditioner and comb them out, it may take a couple hours but you will get to
keep your hair. Don't worry if you lose a lot of hair while you are combing
the dreadlocks out, this is hair that would have fallen out in the day-to-day hair
removal cycle. The only reason you still have it is because you had dreadlocks
and dreadlocks keep the hair all knotted together.
Can I wash my dreadlocks?
Yes, you can wash your dreadlocks. You should wash your dreadlocks at least once a week. Make sure you use a residue free shampoo when you wash your dreads, it's the most important product you can use on your dreads.And also very important is to use a shampon without conditioner.

How often should I wash my dreadlocks?
in the begining do not wash very often the hair but after a while you should get in the habit of washing your dreadlocks every seven days, your dreadlocks will lock up fast and they will look and smell good at the same time. As long as you wash your dreads once a week you should be fine.
Do I have to use a different shampoo when I have dreadlocks?
Is wax good for dreadlocks?
Wax is great for dreadlocks, it helps moisturize them while holding together while they are new, and it is a g

i recommend special wax for dreadlocks which is based on beeswax and ...from Romania i recommend - Londa Trend Wax or any strong/very strong wax.